Moss rose blooming

Hello, my 39 days old moss rose just bloomed this morning, lovely baby pink color :heart_eyes:… However it looks like it’s already withering… is this look normal?


Hi, Your moss roses are looking perfectly healthy!
Moss rose flower opens only for day-two and then it withers- thats normal. Don’t worry, new blooms will open just after that one is done. :slight_smile:


It is always nice to have the first flower! Just keep in mind, Moss Rose does not require deadheading like other flowers to promote flowering, do not cut the stem back after the flower withers, just peel it off, a new flower bud is right next to it, at the tip of the stem- waiting to burst open.


Thank you for your assurance :slight_smile: Next time I’ll try to catch a pic while it’s half open~

Thank you so much for the tip!! I was thinking of deheading it just now! Lucky I read this post before I did anything cruel lol!!

Oh my! This is so fun! Just as you advised, I found another bud right next to my withering flower as I gently peeled it away!

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Three moss rose bloomed at once! As described, it seems to be the flowers bloom on the same time of the day! In my case, my moss roses bloom 9:30am and reach its full bloom around 10:30am!

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That is great! As it is a mix you’ll see many different bright colors very soon!

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Merry Christmas​:blush::herb: Now my moss rose plants have given me bright yellow, baby yellow, bright orange, baby pink, purple striped pinkish colored flowers​:heart: Soooo happy to see new flowers each morning! Any tips to keep these flowers longer?

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It looks really nice indeed! Individual flowers last just for a few days, but as it will be in full bloom soon you would not see the difference. Just keep removing withered petals and no cutting back. :green_heart:

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