My garden (Click and Grow 9)

Hey All,
I have made some comments about aphids and they have had some negative vibes, so I want to make a positive post!

I have added the extended posts, and I think it has been good for the plants, I think after the initial germination giving them some space was good. I have pro pods ready for the next round after these are done.

The C and G 9 we have has been doing great since I dusted those buggers off, and things are looking good. I am about to throw some of these lettuce leaves in a small side salad tomorrow so they don’t shade the basil.

We are growing, Tomatoes, Thyme, Dwarf and reg Basil and the lettuces. Its fun with my two young kids, they love seeing the progress and they miss the summer gardens.

Staked the tomatoes today


Just a few new photos. The lettuce is doing great, and the thyme is starting to take off. The little basils are slow growers but I am hoping for some larger growth soon.

When I was trimming out the extra tomato plants, I accidentally cut both in on pod. I have replanted a new one a “pro” cup I bought. So I am interested to see how the plant does vs the regular pods next to it.

Tomatoes look close to showing some flowers than I can help pollinate them, I’ll be eating a small side salad with dinner tonight to give some space to the plants around the lettuce as well. No new signs of pests I can tell, so all good there.


@getgrowing do you have two sets of extensions?