When to remove the LED? Any information past this point?

I have a basil plant which has been growing great. I’ve had it since 35 days ago and it already reached the highest LED height! But what now? I started seeing a yellow spot near the plants touching the LEDs, so I decided to remove it. Is that the correct choice? What now? Should they grow without any led from now on?

Hi, this is from the Click & Grow app which I suggest you download:

"It takes just one lamp arm to grow basil. If the stems are about to touch the lamp, just cut them back.

Trimming Basil stems will prevent them from flowering and developing a bitter taste. But, if you do want to see your Basil in bloom, stop cutting your plant and let it thrive! If you would like to keep harvesting the leaves, continue trimming.

Basil likes to be cut! You may remove single leaves occasionally… But, for more thriving growth, pinching off the whole tip is recommended - it will grow two new shoots in a few weeks and increase yield."


Hello @haraop

Great to have you!
Please leave the light on, the plant is accustomed to the light, and taking it away from it can reduce your harvest. The gardens are meant to be used with lights!

Trimming is the key to continuous harvest! Basil can grow for many months but at some point, it will start to flower and at that time, it’s life cycle starts to end - it will flower and go to seed and reduce it’s foliage.
If you have Smart Garden 3 you can add an extension but it would not be the first thing I recommend.
See some videos on how to trim the basil and get cooking! :slight_smile:

Something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT9CpW79JsQ

I hope it helps with the luscious yielding basil.

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