I am a newbie and I just got Garden 9 last monday. This morning I am hearing beeping from Garden 9, and I couldn’t find anything to resolve this. What do I need to do to stop this beeping? TIA.
Welcome @Vim
That’s uncommon to hear any noise from the gardens. Please contact our Support, who can help you with this further. Here is the link to contact them directly: https://support.clickandgrow.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Hoping this problem you are facing will be fixed asap.
Actually, it came from my thermometer, that was out of sight yet nearby Garden 9, needed new battery. Embarrassing. Sorry.
That’s okay really. Good this get resolved
At least it beeps when the battery needs to be replaced, what a great device.
Keep up the good work, it’s really important to track the temperature next to your garden too!