Hello. I just recently got a Smart Garden 9 Pro and am really excited. It’s only been two days and to my amazement my basil, lettuce and tomatos are already sprouting. Much faster than I expected! Still waiting on the Piri Piri and Holy Basil.
However, I seem to be having issues with the Bluetooth pairing. It paired ok to start with and then I set my schedule and was able to turn the lights on and off through the app. Then throughout the day the lights would randomly flicker off and on. When I checked the app there was a message saying it lost connection and needed to be paired again. I followed the instructions to hold hand over for 5 seconds and was able to pair, but then the next morning the when the lights didn’t go turn on per the set schedule, I found that the message again. It seems to keep loosing connection throughout the day and sometimes it won’t even pair and I have to do the 10 second hard reset and lose my schedule.
@Joonas Thank you so much. Your guide was very detailed and helpful in the troubleshooting, but ultimately it looks like it may have been a problem with my lamp. The support team was awesome and got it replaced quicky and even replaced all my pods. However since most of the pods had already sprouted and we’re doing healthy, I felt it was a shame to toss them out. So I tried my best to keep them alive in Dixie cups and a humidifier (my apartment is quite dry in the winter) until the replacement garden came. Now all is well and everything is back in my Smart Garden. So excited to be having some fresh herbs and vegetables soon. Holy Basil is particularly hard to find in NY especially in the winter months. Can’t wait to finally be making some authentic Thai Pad Gaprow.
Big thank you to the Click and Grow team for everything you do!