Growing Cannabis in Click & Grow?

Hello! I’m actually in the process of dwarfing my two beautiful plants. Marijuana is like basil, any time you cut it, two new branches come out of the cut. By using this basic process and a few others, I’m keeping my plants very small. However, I’m not so sure you can leave the plants in the C&G cups. I use the light from the C&G when my plants are inside, but I do try to give them a few hours outside every day to give them some actual sunlight. However, It’s been raining alot in California lately, which is great! We need it. But it’s been forcing me to keep my plants locked up inside with just the C&G lights. They are doing just fine that way. I like @Priit 's idea about letting the roots into the water tank. But I still think the cup might be too small. Marijuana is a tree, after all. It does very much WANT to get huge. :slight_smile:

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Great points! I would have thought by keeping the roots smaller, the plant would grow smaller too. I would be tempted to try the hole method. I was thinking i would just remove the arm and stick the light to the wall as it grows taller.

Thank you for the reply.


How is your plant doing now?

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My babies have begun to flower!


How did you manage to dwarf/trim it and have it flower?

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Well, them being auto flowers helps their flowering cycle. And I also was very careful to only cut the plants down as much as they could take, or they would have died. As it was, I almost lost one of my plants from barely over feeding it with nutrients after I cut it back a little too far. Highly fickle, marijuana.


How is your plant doing now?

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We demand pics!


Well, you guys caught me at a very awkward time. I haven’t posted any pictures in a while because my plants have gone through SOOO many cycles of sickness - Healthy again. I wanted to post pictures when they’re looking good but those windows of beautiful thriving MJ have been so small. I left for a week to New York and came back to some VERY light starved MJ plants. Thus forcing my hand to purchase a grow light. Then they were doing really good for a few days. Now they’re sick again a few weeks later. My plants have also had CRAZY bugs since like February. The bug problem has been a constant battle even when my plants are healthy. I’m actually hoping that my latest attack will stick this time. I have wrapped my poor CG9 and my 2 MJ plants into this wire shelving unit with insect netting. I am releasing 1500 lady bugs into that shelving unit later today and leaving them in there for about a week or so. Lady bugs are very pretty, but those things are cold blooded killers. I promise to post a few photos along the way.


How is the lady bug thing going I might try it myself (ive lived on a farm when i was a kid in the 60’s and in the 70’s i became a farmer in New York until i injured my back in 2010 and in 2014 i moved with my family to manhattan. Even though for 40-50 years i have been working on the farm i have never heard about this lady bug thing)

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The lady bugs have already eaten SOOO many of the bad bugs (thrips I think but :woman_shrugging:). Before this experiment, there were thousands of them in the soil, and leaves of all of my plants. But there are far less adult bugs in the nets and leaves and far less baby worms in the soil (near the surface) of the plants. I’m calling this experiment a positive experience thus far.


Can you send pictures

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Wow do you have pics from before you put the lady bugs in? Do the lady bugs eat the plants? Where did you buy the lady bugs? Where did you buy the mesh bag?

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Lady bugs are carnivores. they don’t eat plants. That’s kinda the whole point. Lol I got my lady bugs and insect netting on Amazon But they sell them at pretty much any hardware store.


hey I was wondering how did you replanted you plant of canabis from C&G to a normal pot.
and what do I have to do anything with the plant or anything such as changing the cycle of light…


is it possible to transfer it to the ground from hydroponic to normal ground ?


First off, if you’re growing cannabis in your C&G you need to make sure you’ve got the right strain. With an auto flower you don’t have to worry about your light times. With anything else, it gets VERY complicated. Light pollution is real.
Also, please please please dont ever just put cannabis into the ground… that’s a good way to ruin your investment. You need to makes sure you’re getting the right soil also. Don’t use miracle grow! It has things in it that are toxic to a cannabis plant.


And it’s decided. Ladybugs shall be released to our development gardens as well. Thanks for the tips @AFrench13!


the type of seed are auto-flower amnesia. how big should I let the plant grow before putting it in normal ground. do you think I should put hydroponic fertiliser in my C&G ? what type of soil should I be using and should I use any type of fertiliser ?

thanks for your reply