Lettuce and tomatoes just the same

Hi there,
I planted these I would say well over a month ago. The lettuce I harvested a few leaves once and the tomatoes, well, these are the tomatoes no flowers at all! I got rid of the green leaf lettuce and just planted the middle kale last week. It’s like they’re never going to grow any more and now I think the lettuce is done. I have had little luck with this, after thrips in my first basil run, I finally got a good bounty, but this is my second planting and a whole lot of nothing. I’ve looked at the topics and nothing quite fits my issue. See photo.

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Hello @Maureenrm

The tomato looks grand, it usually starts to flower around 40-50 days of growing.
Lettuces are harvestable around 3-6 weeks of growing and are swift compared to tomatoes taking around 90-120 days to yield fruits.

Patience is the key to gardening. :slight_smile: You are doing great.

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How’s the garden growing? :slight_smile:
Had any flowers or fruits yet?

I have flowers and tomatoes, but they have yet to turn red. They are still hard and green, but they did get that far. I’m not sure how long it should take, it’s been a couple of weeks.

Nice to hear!

I think they’ll be ready soon. For the tomatoes to turn red they need good lighting conditions, so you can help them move to a brighter space or you could try placing a banana near the tomato plant, it is said to ripen the fruits faster because it breathes ethylene which helps with ripening.

You can also add a picture of your tomato, maybe we can see the fruits better then.
