Hi, my garden (first one I’ve had) is 27 days old. Plants are thriving except one of my two tomatoes appears to be dying. I took it out of the water today and sprinkled cinnamon on it. If it dies am I eligible to receive a free replacement? I don’t know why it isn’t doing well, since the other is fine as are the other plants. Is there something else I should try? In the photo you can see both tomato plants for comparison. I read that it is best not to let the water reservoir get completely empty because the tubes work better if they don’t dry out. Is that correct or do the plants need a break from watering?
Hi @CindyS , sorry to see that one tomato is not thriving.
Difficult to say what would be causing this. It may not be an issue with filling the tank at all. Has there been any sudden temperature changes?
Yes, if it is a faulty pod it should be replaced by us. Please submit a ticket here and someone from the support will get back to you.
Thank you. I will wait a couple of days and see if it starts to improve
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