Root or Hair or mold?

Hi u guys, since this my 4 time trying to grow some parsley, oakleaf lettuce and pak choi and for the first time it grows into actual plans but this white stuff keeps reappearing now daily and wiping it off and spraying cinnamon on top doesnt do the job. So i need some help here but my experience wasn‘t really great (300$ incl. Pods …) and for the 4 time out of 9 only 6 plants…


Great to have you!

Yep, it seems to be mostly mold. Agreed, it is not a pretty sight, and it is easy to encounter this in humid environments with low air circulation, especially in these evenly moist plant pods.
If there’s a possibility to have the garden in an area with more air-flow or air-con this could get better.
This doesn’t have an effect on the produce, and I recommend just washing the herbs and greens before use. Ground cinnamon has anti-fungal properties and helps with smaller amounts of mold.

Just to point out that Pak Choy and sometimes Lettuces have a lot of roots growing on top of the pods. And basically, they can cover the whole pod with roots. Some roots can be seen close to the pod in the pak choi picture You added, but around the stems there’s mold. Recommend to wipe it away and give some more air-flow for the garden.

Another thing I’d advise is to do is clean the unit fully. Wash the parts with mild soap or put them in the dishwasher. Right now it looks like the small dots are mostly cinnamon on the lid, I hope it’s not any pests. Quite hard to notice in the pictures, but it does seem like there are small black insects there too. OR maybe some of the lettuces or pak choys lower leaves have silvery shine / scraped-off spots on them on random places? Could you check?

Ps. Lettuce looks aged, because of the hairs on the leaves - be sure to harvest the lettuce around 28 days to 40-45 days, so it does not start bolting and go unpleasant.
The same goes for pak choi. Coriander should also be harvestable then after it might become root-bound and dry up.

If you’re still experiencing problems after this growing please contact the Support team.

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