Post a photo of your Smart Garden, add a meaningful birthday wish and tell us your favorite plant!
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My favourite plant : red chilli
As a Malaysian, I can’t live without hot spices in my daily meal. Having my smart garden at home , I can enjoy pesticide free chilli and make my house so lively! I love my smart garden for the convenience and my daily routine to look at my lovely plants every morning
Wish Click &Grow : Happy Grow-Day. With C&G , nothing is impossible to grow without natural sunlight! I wish everyone will have at least a set of smart garden at home especially for those who noob at gardening like me! With simple steps , everyone can enjoy gardening at home with ease and stress free.
My favourite plant is red chilli plant
This is such a beautiful photo!
Birthday wish:
Happy Birthday Click & Grow! You have made the urban farmer in me comes alive! Thanks for providing my family and I with clean fresh foods made possible by your innovative and sleek Indoor Smart Gardens! We have 3 gardens currently and counting…
Favourite Plant:
My favourite plant is the Mini Tomato. Or Mrs tommies as my family and I called it.
Its the one plant that gets not only the adults but my kids involve throughout it’s growing process. From sowing to pollinating and harvesting them. We truly enjoyed it!
Day 20 of CG9 and Day 09 of CG3 (Tatsoi and Russian Red Kale)
Favorite plants: 1st: Basil, 2nd: Tomatoes
Date Photo Taken: 09.25.18
Since I haven’t have an opportunity to try different plants, I would sat that my favorite is basil, since I have used it in omelettes, salads, pizzas and pastas.
Click and grow - since you already are so bright, I wish you wonderful birthday and may your plants grow all over the world.
Happy birthday Click & Grow! It is so special that we share the same birthday and I hope you will continue to grow stronger and better, giving us a chance to feed our families right!
Growing in my smart garden 9 are my favourite mini tomatoes (with my next favourite plant: yellow peppers)
My current favourite plant: Mini Tomato! Just had my first tomato fruit and it was a twin~!
My birthday wish for Click & Grow: Thank you for growing in my life, may you continue to grow worldwide~ Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! Wish we will have more varieties of plants to click and grow! My favourite plant is the strawberry because the kids can pick them and eat!
Happy birthday click and grow!!! just can’t get enough of the beautiful plants growing in the comfort of my own home. and the system itself is so beautiful it’s like a little museum display . i stare at them multiple times a day. my favorite plant is the yellow mini pepper as it’s so fulfilling to watch the fruit grow and ripen. and my 2 year old loves to pick and eat them. i wish that more plant varieties will become available soon, and that i can win a SG9 set to expand my indoor garden further!
Happy birthday Click and Grow.
Thank you for developing smart garden, I started off the gardening with no experience, CnG saved many hassle, I could grow plant without much effort. I really love that I can go overseas and come back see my plants blooming with flower and fruits.
My favourite plant is tomato, my very first plant!
My birthday wish for Click & Grow is to expand with more types of plant capsules!! I really hope to see more fruit plants!
I hope to win the smart garden 9 as I only have smart garden 3. It will definitely be the best birthday for me and you!!
My favourite right now is the Romaine Lettuce and it’s too pretty to eat. I started with Smart Garden 3 with edibles so that we can enjoy the freshness of herbs and vegetables from Click and Grow to the dining table. Everyone exclaimed how sweet and fresh the edibles tasted from Click and Grow compared to store bought. I wish to expand my edibles gardening from System Garden 3 to 9 and promote eating more greens to my family and friends. Happy Birthday Click and Grow! Tks for this wonderful innovation that promotes growing your own herbs and vegetables for a healthy lifestyle.
Congratulations @Amran_Hidayah for winning the giveaway! Thank you all for great wishes and wonderful photos!
Ahaha!! I am totally going to put a fun animal in my ‘jungle’!! This is such a fun family idea!
@Amran_Hidayah, tell us about your 2nd garden, how are you making it unique??