Trimming wild strawberry properly?

Hello! Im on my second batch of Wild Strawberries. How do i trim them properly? The click and grow video seems very simple? Is it just to trim old leaves? Cause several people visiting my home says something about trimming some leaves that grow suddenly on some stems. I dont understand it!

I would be super thankful if someone could guide me in right direcrion! I want superhealthy strawberry plants for my kid😃

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Hi @W1ll1eTheP1mp

You may rely on the tutorial video by Click and Grow and just trim back leaves in full length as they age or steal the light from the inner part of the plant.

Your guests probably meant runners (look like stems) that occur on garden strawberry and yes, those should be cut back, but CG Wild Strawberry does not grow runners.

Thinning young seedlings and hand-pollinating is crucial though. :wink:

Thanks so much @Mirjam! Here is my batch and damn, they FLOWER already! That was record fast!! 3 new plants(plantes a month ago) and 1 old(was plantes 23 dec and have one flower/berry

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@Mirjam how does young seedlings on the wild strawberry plant look like? It isnt mentioned in the video and im total green when it comes tonplants🙈