No I didn’t, the peat pot is soaking up the water and passing it through. The roots normally also are strong enough to get through the peat pot as well.
If I want to use Jiffy peat pellets or soil and my own seeds, rather than buying the prepared ones from the manufacturer, will that cause a problem with the Click and Grow unit? Are there other options? I hope this question isn’t redundant.
Thank you, Mirjam, for moving this question to the appropriate space! There are all sorts of great answers!
I haven’t used them yet but I plan to start this year’s outdoor garden tomatoes in my smart garden. I bought these which claim to be nutrient infused. They’re a little small but I think will fill out when watered. Otherwise a little extra peat I think. What I’ll do and what is always a good idea is keep a close eye on the condition of the leaves. If you need to feed, be stingy at least until you get an idea of your plants’ needs.
This topic is old (very!) but it’s a good question and maybe some of the advice here will help someone else.
Be safe.
Earlier during peak quarantine, this thread inspired me to buy some nursery mesh bags to skip the pods. I only just am getting to use them. Im starting some flowers indoors to transfer once established. Can’t figure out how the wick will pass the water to the soil if it isn’t directly touching it though. I was hoping after 24hrs it would leach up, but it hasn’t. Any tips or ideas on how to help that? I could cut a hole in the bottom, but that kind of defeats the purpose of the pods I think.
WOW… I tried that, but it was way too cold here in the northern Europe. Exactly just 4 weeks ago we had temperatures falling under 17C/62,6F during the day and 9C/48,2F in the night.
We instructed our system to start heating the house when temperatures fall under 17C. We are used to our harsh windy cold weather, our indoor plants aren’t.
Please tell me: What temperatures do you have indoors during the year and are the nights very different from your day temperatures indoors?
Thank you.
I did the Thai Baisils during winter time here. Temperature in the apartement was 18°C (night) to 21°C (day) during that time, using the heating.
I placed the SG at the most inner wall of the apartement, which is basically the center of the house. It was set on a small plant shelf, with some isolating foam underneath, to keep it away from the cold floor.
Ah, I see. Thank you. Mine stand on the window stills, the radiiators are under each window still. Greetings. Happy gardening.
What size net cups fit in the holes? 2 inches or 3 inches? Thank you.