we have a SG9 with Petunias and Busy lizzie, Petunias are flowering well though busy lizzies are getting buds but the buds are getting dropped - no flowers are blossoming.
what could be going wrong ?
kindly suggest any remedies.
we have a SG9 with Petunias and Busy lizzie, Petunias are flowering well though busy lizzies are getting buds but the buds are getting dropped - no flowers are blossoming.
what could be going wrong ?
kindly suggest any remedies.
Hi Manisha,
how old is your Busy Lizzie? It has lots of flower buds on it, could it be that it is just about to start flowering?
Hi Mia, Its more than 2 Months since the Busy Lizzies and Petunias have been planted. Petunia are having many many flowers. and blooming also.
Hi Can you please let me know as the busy lizzie buds are falling off .
Any suggestions or remedies ?
Here are the current photos of the smart garden -
Almost 60% of petunia flowers are not growing and dont look fresh .
Lizzie buds are falling without blooming.
Please suggest .
Hi, thanks for providing more info.
It seems indeed that Petunia thrives, but Busy Lizzie struggles to flower regardless it has a beautiful healthy foliage.
What is the temperature range there? Petunia loves warmth, but Busy Lizzie may struggle if the temperature is higher than 24 C.