Hi there
I started with C&G3 beginning of November with Basil, a pepper plant (in a lettuce pod that did not germinate) and wild Strawberry. I love it! So I upgraded and bought the C&G9 pro . I want try the experimental pods with white strawberries, but I cannot find myself much about how to take care of these plants. I know planted from seed they may not grow true, but I still want to give it a try. Has anyone tried or has experience with white strawberries in general?
I read in a couple of websites that white strawberries need 6 hours of sun light. I am not sure what is the equivalence to the C&G lights… Is 16h too much? I popped the seeds in the C&G on the 25th, for now my plan is to keep it on the normal schedule of the C&G until they flower, then I think I should probably reduce the light exposure, but I am not sure of how much. Any help and guidance will be appreciated.
So nice of you to share your good experience! C&G 9 Pro has the option to change the light schedule, true.
What type of white strawberries are you growing? Can you share any varieties or such?
I think it’s possible to grow them, maybe even try white alpine/wild strawberries. These are smaller than the garden strawberries but twice as sweet!
How are the strawberry plants doing?
Thank you for the reply and the interest. It is much appreciated, apologies for taking so long to reply.
So I got some seeds in internet that on the package said white strawberries, the picture was looking like the pineberries in the supermarket and then in the small print says yellow wonder so probably I got scammed haha so total experiment. I’d be happy if it is yellow wonder, but we’ll see what comes out.
Germination has been extremely slow in comparison with the wild strawberries of the click & grow. I planted them 22 days ago, I used 5 to 8 seeds per pod (because they were so tiny and I was clumsy) and I used 1 pro-cup & 1 regular cup. The one in the regular cup sprouted on day 16, just one seedling, but today is showing first true leaf. The one in the pro cup only sprouted yesterday.
So I am not sure how many wild strawberries seeds go in a click & grow pod usually, but I suspect these had lower germination rate, I don’t think there will be seedlings to thin out. a lot of fun so far.
I am anyway extremely happy with the wild strawberries from click & grow and with the indoor garden overall. I really have zero green thumb and before the C&G I killed any plant that I came in contact with within 2 or 3 weeks. The wild strawberries sprouted within 8 days, I pollinated the first flower on day 43, there has been tons of flowers afterwards (we’ll see if those pollinations worked) but I already have the first strawberry turning red and we are only on day 64, so I am literally amazed with it. It would be nice though if the app had more options to save and retrieve differenth data. But overall, I am really happy with the C&G
Hi again!
You may be amazed, but Yellow Wonder is one of the varieties of alpine strawberry. Good luck with the experiment, and care for them like for red wild strawberries. I think it will work out well.
It’s so good to hear your positive feedback. Keep on growing!