Looking for red &yellow dwarf tomato varieties for growing in my Smart Garden

Trying to find out about where to get any red and yellow dwarf tomato varieties (seeds) that can be grown in a Click&Grow Smart Garden.

I have several “grow anything” pods and I just got a Click&Grow 3 pod system for growing tomatoes specifically.

I’ll get tomato plant pods from Click&Grow if I have to but I’d rather find seeds if possible.

Thank you.

You should probably tell where you are located in the world since this effects what opportunities you have. Buying seeds online should not be a problem, you want small dwarf planets.

Hello Pagosan33,

When growing tomatoes in Smart Gardens there are some characteristics to keep in mind when choosing varieties. There are some many tomato cultivars all over the world so choosing the right ones to grow in smart gardens can be tricky at first. Because the height of the lighting is somewhat limiting it’s better to select cultivars that grow under 30cm / 12 inches.

I’d recommend searching for micro or dwarf varieties. But you could also experiment with determinate types (bush tomato) and different cherry tomatoes. Determinate types will probably need some support to grow, such as trellises or sticks. Also, keywords like balcony, suitable for container and pot-tomato can be helpful when choosing the varieties.

Click and Grow has plant pods Yellow Mini Tomato and Mini Tomato which are dwarf cultivars. Both are handpicked for our devices and have gone through various in-house testing. These two will do the best in Smart Gardens.

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Good idea.
I live in southwestern Colorado, in Pagosa Springs.

Thanks very much. I would get the ones from Click N Grow, but my funds were limited and I was already getting a 3 plant unit plus some other things. They only sell their tomato pods 9 in a package, at $20 each I have plenty of “grow anything” pods, so I decide to try and find some seeds.

On my own, I have found some on eBay that look promising, Red Robin Tomato Seeds, Organic, Micro-Dwarf and Yellow Mini Cherry Tomato 10 Seeds, Extra Dwarf. I’m leaning towards trying these, but have also gotten some great online resources from the Facebook ClickNGrow group.

These websites for dwarf/micro tomatoes from FB members are as follows:

So, I hope this post helps more peeps that just me. 2 more links will be in my next reply.

Thank you everyone!


Here are the other 2 links for dwarf/micro tomato seeds.

This last link looks particularly interesting.

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I’m sure these seeds will work great. I really want to try out Orange Hat and Pinocchio (should be a bit earlier). Although the last seed supplier Meraki seems to send only within Europe, they have some great varieties that US suppliers sell too.

I advise sowing 2-3 seeds into one pod to make sure you get at least one healthy seedling. After 1-2 weeks plants should be thinned, so try to carefully pull out all seedlings except one. Here’s a video guide how to thin out seedlings. Do not waste the seeds and transplant leftover seedlings in empty Grow anything pods. Oh and tomato cuttings also root incredibly fast and are one of the easiest plants to root with Grow anything pods.

Click and Grow has both 3-packs and 9-packs available on site - 3-pack tomato is on sale $9.05 right now, and usually costs $12.95, so it makes the price per pod $3.01.

Looking forward to seeing what varieties perform the best for you!

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Thanks for letting me know ClickNGrow has 3 pod packs! I’ll check into that. I tried to find them but could only find 9 packs. Thanks also for the planting advice.

I had so many issues with my outdoor greenhouse this past summer. First trying to cool it down with installing solar fans, but it was still to hot. Got shade cloth too late. Then tried to find the right greenhouse heater, but that didn’t work out either.

So I’m REALLY looking forward to planting my ClickNGrow gardens! The 3 pod will be for tomatoes, the 9 pod will be for herbs, esp cilantro for heavy metal detox smoothies.

I also have a beautiful OGarden unit for growing lettuces and other greens, herbs and other things. I hope my indoor gardening is way better than the outdoor was. But at least I’ll be ready for my outdoor greenhouse as soon as planting season arrives.