Starting a new cycle in CG25


I would like some advice in starting a new cycle in my click and grow 25. I had some trouble with my last cycle as the mold growth got to be too much and I tried everything to get it under control: cinnamon, scraping, and hydrogen peroxide mixture. Unfortunately, my son and I are very sensitive to mold spores, so I had to relocate the garden to my garage area. In doing so it got very hot and although I still got some plants to thrive other did not and just bolted as I suspected they would. So I cleaned the entire garden and I am determined to try again.

I just bought new plants that are more heat tolerant and I want to give them the best possible start. So, my question is if I should start them inside and let them germinate or try starting them in my garage and see how they do. Or will the temperature change be too much of a shock to them? I would be going from 72F to 86F.

Also, since CG25 doesn’t have any type of lid to prevent mold growth, do you think covering the soil after germination with aluminum foil would work as a preventative?

The new plants I bought are:
wild strawberry
mini tomato

I also have other greens such as:
rainbow chard
green lettuce
italian kale
I lost around 7 pods so I am hesitant to plant these again.

Thank you so much,


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Hello Heidi,

Thanks for writing! Sorry to hear about the mold situation.
The CG25 trays are without lids so it is easier for mold to appear there. The Click&Grow is working on a solution for that but until then here’s some advice. If the other control measurements are not working I’d definitely recommend using the aluminum foil technique.

Add a piece of aluminum foil (which can be cut into squares) to the top of the plant pod - just cover the top part and sides with it and poke a hole into the middle there. Make a bigger hole in the middle, or remove part of the foil, plants will find a way to the light. This way you don’t have to do it later if the plants are tiny and delicate.

One option is to add a fan near the device to help the air circulation or add a humidity remover.

Depending on the plant some of them like higher temperatures while germinating and some like lower, that can be increased later. The optimum temperature range is 40-75°F and the maximum temperature is 85°F. If going from 72°F to 86°F I’d try to acclimatize them for some time, meaning taking the trays out for a few hours (slowly extending it, for every day for about 3-4 days) and letting them be in the hotter rooms to get used to the heat. This way the shock will be less severe.

Most of the greens are cold-weather crops, meaning they like the temperatures to stay below 72 F. Otherwise as you said they are prone to bolt and mature too soon. Of course, you can use this to your advantage, and get those greens to yield faster, they can be harvested even within 3 weeks.

I’m sure that mini tomato, oregano, and basil will do great with higher temperatures. But higher temperatures also mean that plants grow quicker (also stems will be more elongated) and use the fertilizer up quicker. For mini tomatoes, the temperatures should not be over 86°F while flowering and after because it inhibits flowering and successful pollination.

If your pods have failed to germinate or grown a lot of mold - you can always contact Support here -. They are willing to replace unsuccessful plant pods, as we have a policy that no germination equals replacement.

Until then keep the unused plant pods in an airtight space, away from sunlight and heat which could degrade the pods.

All the best