I just had my first strawberries from my SG9 and they almost have no flavor. Is this because they are so small or i got a bad one?
Hi, that is sad to hear.
Are you sure that it was fully ripe? How is the plant doing, overall? Any pictures, perhaps?
It was also hollow on the inside but I just now had the best strawberry ever (2cd one from click and grow but the best1 in my life! ) it was a mix of sour and sweet cause it was a little unripe but I couldn’t help my self but to cut it and eat it.
Alot of my leaves tips were browning so i cut all old browning leaves about a month ago and again last week and today I noticed the new leaves are browning and some of the green parts of the strawberries are browning too pls help!
I had the same with my strawberry plants. I lovingly pollinated them all but the strawberries I did get were so tiny they just didn’t mature into anything. I have put the plants outside in a pot and I will see how they get on this year. My tomatoes also looked nothing like the pictures suggest and I had nothing useable from them. Basil has been excellent. Thyme grows well but needs to be moved to a bigger pot to thrive otherwise one meal and it’s gone. Now trying flowers as the chilli plants again produce but nothing useable.
My strawberries are ripening well and growing to a normal size (they aren’t supposed to be so big) the only problem was that one strawberry was hollow and tasteless but that happened only once all of my other strawberries taste AMAZING !
Have you guys followed all the plant care tips available?