Tomato growing taller without any flowers

This tomatoes have been planted in the first week of November - 8 weeks now. Kindly let us know why no flowers are coming - the thinning of tomatoes were done according to your suggestion.

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I was thinking that I read somewhere that after the are 5 nodes (I took that to mean branches) to prune any that are higher up. Then also prune the “suckers”. I think the suckers are the little sprouts that starts in a branch that is a Y. I also thought when starting the unit the extension should be on and then no other extensions should be needed. But please maybe more experienced will answer this.

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Hi @Manisha
Is this yellow or red mini tomato. Yellow tomato is somewhat later to bloom than the red one.

Also, what are the climate conditions there, could it be too hot, too humid?

Fortunately, I can see some tiny flower buds on the plants, I would give them some time to mature and bloom.

Hi Mia,
Wish you a very happy new year ,
It’s a red mini tomato.

Thanks & Regards,

yes, that is a true. i have had the same problem. My tomato was tall without any fruits. For so high is than no nutrients for blooming and fruits anymore.