@noipv4 I would leave it as it is. In our tests upto 3 seedlings per pod was ok
@Salvo_Baglieri, so there were no seeds inside the soil or for how long did you wait for it to sprout?
After 30 days. The plants are growing here. The weather’s cooled down considerably this weekend and we have 24C indoors, instead of 30-34C.
Looks a lot like cornflower so far
Hi @Gene,
I hate to say it but it seems you have pests on your gazania plants? Could it be that there is an early thrip damage on mature leaves? Little shining spots.
I don’t see any insects on the leaves. Powdery mildew or overwatering maybe?
According to this article:
Pests and Disease
Gazania is highly resistant to pests and disease. Powdery mildew, bacterial leaf spot, and crown rot can all occur, though they are generally a sign that the location is too damp to grow gazania effectively.
Thrips first life cycle starts inside the leaves and the pests are not visible for the naked eye, this leaves lower shiny areas with tiny black spots on the leaves. Just keep monitoring the plants and if you already see some tiny pale brown elongated bodies on your plants- act fast to get rid of it.
Hi all,
Heat was pretty strong in the past month but it looks like luckily it hasn’t affected the seeds much.
Here they are at day 28th, I am looking forward to seeing the seeds bloom
Awww man, i wish to be a tester too
Beautiful true leaves @ludoP