I’ve had my smart garden 9 since Christmas when I set up the lamp using the extension, as I assumed that was the right way. I’ve now cleaned it all out and have started with 9 new pods. I watched some Canadian reviewer on YouTube who said Click and Grow recommended starting new pods without the extensions so that’s what I’ve done. Now that things are sprouting I want to remove the lamp and add the extension but the lamp is stuck.
How do I remove it?
And I keep seeing reference to two extensions. I’ve only got one. I need help. I do not understand.
Ok, so,I’ve now got the wretched thing off. The Canadian YouTuber was probably talking about the smart garden 3 but she’d been singing the praises of the 9 and had a 9 beside her so I made the obvious assumption.
And somewhere on the website it does say the 9 used to be supplied with two extensions but is now supplied with the one and it should always be used.
It’s all very confusing!
What I’ve done now is put a thin layer of Vaseline on the connecting bits so that when I want to dismantle them for cleaning there won’t be the same problems.
Hi Colettem,
I feel the confusion you have with the extensions. I actually ask something very similar in a different thread.
Not sure about the vaseline thing, my came pretty easy apart for cleaning and I did it so far twice (plus several times when i just got the garden)
CU AssetBurned
Hmmm the really confusing part is that the app is telling me that some plants are better growing with just one extension arm… cheeses if you guys have already an app where I need to login AND register my garden… then I would expect to only get notifications that are relevant for me.
That kind of notifications add up to the confusion.